


Institutional separation of the market under capitalism, which follows from the self-regulating character of the market, is a central proposition in Polanyi’s work. In this article, I suggest that what Polanyi misleadingly labels as institutional separation—misleading because no institution can ever cease to be social—has nothing to do with the supposed self-adjustment mechanism of the market. Instead, “institutional separation,” which portrays the market as a realm with autonomous and law-like tendencies, is an ideology; it is an outcome of social struggles over economic distribution—struggles that are shaped fundamentally by political power. This proposition is inspired by Polanyi but borrows from the political economy of Quesnay, Ricardo, and Marx to formulate a view of prices in a capitalist economy as both the cause and outcome of distributional struggles. As such, it rejects that prices are determined by scarcity and utility, and thus by supply and demand. Instead, the most fundamental prices—money wages, but also the relative prices of food, housing, and health as well as interest rates—are determined by factors that are exogenous to the capitalist market. Such a proposition has some far-reaching implications. In particular, it suggests that the market is alienating because it obscures, through the price system, the power relations that shape economic distribution. Furthermore, the alienation under market economy is at its most intense under liberal ideologies, since any variant of liberalism, including neoliberalism, mystifies and justifies even the most blatantly unequal distributive outcomes as the result of the self-adjusting operation of market forces.





主讲人:Kurtuluş Gemici

Kurtuluş Gemici,现任suncitygroup太阳新城官网文科“百人计划A”研究员,本科就读于土耳其Bosphorus大学经济学专业,硕博毕业于UCLA社会学专业,师从著名历史社会学家Micheal Mann,其后在广有盛誉的德国普朗克研究所从事博士后研究。其研究领域为金融社会学、政治经济学、政治社会学、经济社会学和社会网络研究等。主持人


钱力成,美国弗吉尼亚大学社会学博士,suncitygroup太阳新城官网“百人计划B”研究员。研究领域主要包括文化社会学、历史社会学和政治社会学、特别是有关集体记忆的研究。其研究发表于Journal of Contemporary China, Cultural Sociology,Memory Studies,《社会学研究》等中英文期刊。



