



讲座题目:Rising Outside the System: Japan’s Imperial Ascent and Lessons for Hegemonic Change




War and change were the leitmotif of the late 19th and the early 20th century. Japan’s rapid ascent in East Asia fundamentally changed the Tianxia system. After the Meiji restoration, Japan became an industrialized country capable of raising a modern army—defeating Czarist Russia in the Russo-Japanese War. Together with Japan’s ascent as the new regional hegemon in East Asia was a new way of organizing inter-state relations. Against this backdrop, this paper explores the following analytical questions. First, why did Japan overthrow the regional architecture, which had been established for centuries and undergirded by Chinese superiority. Second, what were the crucial factors that determined not only a hegemonic change, but also changes to the Chinese hegemony. Third, what lessons can we draw from Japan’s ascent to understand today’s changing world. Truly, the ‘Celestial Dynasty’, with its small agrarian economy, collapsed in the advent of modern, capitalist production. More importantly, Japan supplanted the rules of the game because its rise was outside of the Tianxia system. A different mode of production led to a different understanding concerning how interstate relations ought to be organized. Therefore, Japan not only challenged China’s position as the hegemon, but also challenged the very hegemony that China had created. The key lesson is that, considering debates on the rise of China and the future of the liberal international order (LIO), we must gauge whether China is trying to change the core values of the LIO or its position within the LIO.


主讲人 阎述良

阎述良 (Karl Yan),加拿大多伦多大学政治学博士,现任suncitygroup太阳新城官网特聘副研究员。阎述良长期研究中国崛起和国际秩序的关系,相关研究论文已发表在The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Journal of Chinese Governance等刊物。


主持人 贺巧玲

贺巧玲,麦吉尔大学社会学博士,现任suncitygroup太阳新城官网“百人计划B”研究员。主要研究领域包括发展社会学、法律社会学、知识产权制度等。其研究发表于 Asian Journal of Law and Society, Asian Education and Development Studies 等期刊。


评议人 周陆洋

周陆洋,麦吉尔大学社会学博士,现任suncitygroup太阳新城官网“百人计划B”研究员。作为比较历史社会学者,长期研究民族主义与革命运动的关系,其相关研究论文已经发表在 European Journal of Sociology, Nations and Nationalism, Journal of Historical Sociology, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Routledge Handbook of Chinese Studies, 《二十一世纪》等刊物。