National Civil Affairs Theory and Policy Research Center

ReleaseTime:2021-01-05 Publisher: Reading:650

In September 2013, the Policy Research Center of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Civil Affairs Research Center of Zhejiang University jointly established the “National Civil Affairs Policy Research Center”.

For the past three years, the Center’s research focused on civil affairs and social management, the construction of a welfare security institution, the construction of civil affairs management institutions, the construction of civil affairs public service networks. The research has been done through utilizing the extant research platforms and capacities of Zhejiang University and promoting the Center’s comparative advantages.

The Center also achieved the “5+4+4” goal of innovative research. First, five platforms were built. These are Civil Affairs Theory and Policy Research Platform, the Civil Affairs Communication Platform, the Civil Affairs Data Collection and Information Consultation Platform, the Civil Affairs Talent Training Platform, and the Platform for the Involvement in the Construction of Civil Affairs Experimental Site or Demonstration Site. Second, the Center provided support in four areas – policy research, theoretical research, social experiment technology, and talent training. Lastly, the Center was able to present its result in the following four ways – publications on theoretical research, policy consultation reports, demonstrative experimental communities, and literature and workbooks.